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Springfield Area human resources association

professional development seminar

The below chart identifies select options available to our sponsorship partners for each of the professional development seminars. Remember this is a half-day event held twice a year. Reserve the package you want for the seminar you wish to sponsor, 1st or 2nd session of the year. You are welcome to make immediate payment by credit card, but you may also select to be invoiced to pay later by check or credit. SAHRA applies all promotional value benefits as soon as possible. Please only make purchases you are committed to fulfilling.

 Event Value Outline

 Keynote Speaker

 Book Sponsor

Catering & Beverage 

Basic Sponsor 

Basic Sponsor - Non Profit 

 Professional Development Seminars
Qty: 2

Qty: 2 

Qty: 2
Qty: 2* 
 # of Free Tickets to event - SHRM/HRCI CEUs apply        4 2  

 Electronic list of event attendees

Prior Prior Post Post Post
 Banner / signage displayed, sponsor providedLobby  Lobby Food  
 Logo added to speaker PPT, Book Cover, or Evaluations Keynote Book Cover EvaluationEvaluation Evaluation 
 Speaker Introductions Keynote     
 Logo featured on event page   
 Full color linked ad on SAHRA Home, social media, and e-newsletter90 Days  90 Days30 Days  30 Days30 Days 
 3-minute sponsor presentation during event X XX X X
 Exhibit table at selected meeting to showcase services X X X  X X
 Recognition in PD handouts / brochures (online or hardcopy) X X X X X
 Add promotional pamphlet and swag attendee welcome bag X X X X X
 Able to contribute a prize from drawing from attendee cards X X X X X
 Free qualified HR Educational Event promotion w/in 12 months 2 2 1 1 1
* Limited to one Basic Sponsor or Non-Profit per seminar

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